The 5 basic German sourdough processes are:
PH-Werte/Säuregrade im Sauerteig
Anfrischsauer 4,6 - 4,7pR / Säuregrad 8 - 9
Grundsauer 4,0-4,2 pR / Säuregrad 12-14
Vollsauer 4,2 - 4,3 pR / Säuregrad 10-11
Anfrischsauer 4,4-4,5 pR / Säuregrad 10-12
Grundsauer 3,9-4,1 pR / Säuregrad 14-18
Vollsauer 3,8 - 4,0 pR / Säuregrad 16- 20
PH-Werte/Säuregrade im Brot
Weizenbrot 5,4 - 5,8 pR / Säuregrad 3 - 5
Weizenmischbrot 4,5 - 5,5 pR / Säuregrad 6 - 7
Roggenmischbrot 4,3 - 5,0 pR / Säuregrad 7- 9
Roggenbrot 4,1- 5,0 pR / Säuregrad 8-10
Roggenschrotbrot 4,0 - 5,0 pR / Säuregrad 8-14
The Detmolder one stage process (Einstufenfuehrung) is designed to provide the availability of sourdough to be used in various bread formulas throughout the baking day. It's made ahead of time and typically stays fresh from 15 - 24 hours. Each dough's required amount of sourdough is withdrawn from the bulk sourdough as needed.
Advantages of the Detmold one-step process:
- No need for sourdough preparation in the evening, instead during normal working hours
- Several types of bread can be made from one sourdough
- Strong bread aroma
- Greater quality consistency
- Good freshness keeping quality
- Less time and effort required
To loosen the dough, it is necessary to add 1 to 2.5% yeast based on the total amount of flour to be processed
(high proportion of wheat = higher amount of yeast).
- Single Phase Process (Einstuführung)
- Two Phase Process (Zweistuführung)
- Three Phase Process (Dreistuführung)
- Berlin Short Sourdough Process (Berliner Kurzsauerführung)
- Salt Sourdough Process (Salzsauerführung)
PH-Werte/Säuregrade im Sauerteig
Anfrischsauer 4,6 - 4,7pR / Säuregrad 8 - 9
Grundsauer 4,0-4,2 pR / Säuregrad 12-14
Vollsauer 4,2 - 4,3 pR / Säuregrad 10-11
Anfrischsauer 4,4-4,5 pR / Säuregrad 10-12
Grundsauer 3,9-4,1 pR / Säuregrad 14-18
Vollsauer 3,8 - 4,0 pR / Säuregrad 16- 20
PH-Werte/Säuregrade im Brot
Weizenbrot 5,4 - 5,8 pR / Säuregrad 3 - 5
Weizenmischbrot 4,5 - 5,5 pR / Säuregrad 6 - 7
Roggenmischbrot 4,3 - 5,0 pR / Säuregrad 7- 9
Roggenbrot 4,1- 5,0 pR / Säuregrad 8-10
Roggenschrotbrot 4,0 - 5,0 pR / Säuregrad 8-14
The Detmolder one stage process (Einstufenfuehrung) is designed to provide the availability of sourdough to be used in various bread formulas throughout the baking day. It's made ahead of time and typically stays fresh from 15 - 24 hours. Each dough's required amount of sourdough is withdrawn from the bulk sourdough as needed.
Advantages of the Detmold one-step process:
- No need for sourdough preparation in the evening, instead during normal working hours
- Several types of bread can be made from one sourdough
- Strong bread aroma
- Greater quality consistency
- Good freshness keeping quality
- Less time and effort required
To loosen the dough, it is necessary to add 1 to 2.5% yeast based on the total amount of flour to be processed
(high proportion of wheat = higher amount of yeast).